Posts in Advocacy
Leveraging the National JFON network for powerful advocacy

Tennessee Justice for Our Neighbors exists in a complex world, where economic, cultural, legal, and security interests create both opportunities and barriers for immigrants attempting to access legal assistance. The political climate of a particular state can have a life-changing impact on the ability of the national JFON network to help others. Each JFON affiliate participates in a variety of advocacy efforts, accounting for political context that may impact the success of their work.

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TNJFON staff advocate for the Afghan Adjustment Act and continue supporting asylum-seekers in Nashville

This month TNJFON staff members Hashmatullah Azizi, Hannah Smalley, and Meagan Lombardi joined other advocates in meetings with aides to Senator Bill Hagerty and Senator Marsha Blackburn to push for passage of the Afghan Adjustment Act. Introduced on August 9, 2022, the legislation would provide a path to permanent legal residency to Afghans admitted under humanitarian parole. This would keep many Afghans from dealing with the arduous, often traumatizing, process of applying for asylum.

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